3D Beveljet™ 60 Cutting Tool
3D Beveljet™ 60 Cutting Tool
Beveljet Technology: For Bevel cutting and advanced 3D shapes
Enhance the capabilities of 2-D Abrasive Water Jet (AWJ) process with the addition of a BevelJet™ 60 Cutting tool.
This 5-axis cutting head made by Water Jet Sweden was primarily designed for taper angle control, bevel cutting and advanced shaping of sheet materials however with the programmable z-axis the cutting head can be used for much more advanced cutting jobs.
Together with IGEMS new powerful CAD/CAM software for 3D cutting, IGEMS 3D5X, it turns quickly into a smooth free form cutting tool, with the ability to cut materials in different work planes. This is particularly useful in sectors such as Nuclear, Oil & Gas, Aerospace and Power Generation and is accomplished with the provision of the BevelJet™ 60 Cutting tool on all Premium and Grand models.
Key Benefits
Extremely Versatile
Five axis interpolations manage both bevel and free form 3D cutting.Advanced 3D Cutting of Sheet Metal
With full 5-axis capability the third-dimension, height, can also be included when there is a need for full 3D cutting jobs, using 3D CAD/CAM software. Such features are commonly required to provide weld preparations. Full 5-axis articulation allows these bevels to follow contours on the profile without the need for solid models or any dedicated 5-axis programming techniques.Rationalised Processes & Reduced Production Times
The introduction of BevelJet technology has enabled one of our UK customers to rationalise their processes while improving dimensional quality. Previously they profiled their plates by thermal process, mill machining back that material, then machining the weld preparation. Today, the job is completed in a single hit using a water jet cutter, reducing lead time by 3 working days and eliminating any errors associated with multiple set-up.
3D Beveljet™ 60 Cutting Videos
Maximum Z-movement:
250 mm (CNC controlled)
Cutting Performance:
A-axis movement:
± 90°
C-axis movement:
± 400°
Transmission accuracy A&C axis:
< 1 arcmin
Repetition accuracy A&C axis:
< ± 0.1 arcmin
Pressure technology:
4000 bar & 6000 bar
• Harmonic Drive Gearbox
• Maintenance Free Lifetime Lubrication
• Fanuc Nano Interpolation
• 100% integration of Fanuc Control System and Fanuc Drive Systems
• 3D Free Form Cutting
• Cutting pressures up to 6200 bar
Featured Video
Five Year Performance Warranty
We guarantee that all our machines keep the same tolerance level after five years as when the machine was first delivered.
Water Jet Sweden machine design provides the highest integrity over the longest lifetime available in the industry. This is achieved by understanding the challenges associated with water jet cutting from 35 years experience and optimising design and manufacture to address these potential issues.
Specialist Waterjet Support
Via our hotline support, our technical expertise is available on a 24/7 basis to all customers in warranty or under a service plan.
Dedicated UK Service Team
Water Jet Sweden UK has a team of factory-trained field service technicians providing service and support throughout the UK for the full range of Water Jet Sweden machines.
Talk to us
Gavin Bell
General Manager
We are happy to answer any questions you may have, please give us a call on 01937 845 499 or use the button below to make an enquiry.
Industry Sectors Using BevelJet™ 60
• Nuclear
• Oil & Gas
• Aerospace
• Power Generation